Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Concept-Based Performance Assessment for Colonial America

With the elevation of concept-based learning, student assessment must consider transfer of concepts.  5th graders throughout the nation are involved in the study of Colonial America.  (Out of respect for cultures, we have renamed this unit Changing Face of North America: Emergence of a New World Society.)

As part of this study, students are engaged with the concept of continuity and change over time as it connects to social, political and economic development.  Essentially, students examine social, political and economic development over time to see what has stayed the same and what has changed.

Since 5th graders don't know much about different eras, the goal within this concept-based performance assessment (using the UbD GRASPS model) is to help them transfer the concept of continuity and change over time to a modern context.  And, since 5th graders might not know much about current social, political or economic perspectives, they build this knowledge through interviews with adults.  I just created this for our teachers, but it has not been tested.  What do you think?  Can 5th graders do this?  Check out the assessment here!

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